The soldiers that make up Phasala's army are respected the world over as the world's greatest, largest army. Even though Phasala could easily take over the world with its military might many times over, their desire to sustain growth and focus on internal affairs is their primary concern. As such, being The King of Phasala is a relatively low stress job. At least, it used to be.
With the increasing number of beastmen forces gaining a sense of identity and unity towards a common goal, things aren't as simple as they used to be. Their tactics are cunning and ruthless, leaving countless dead in the wake of invasions. Every day another report comes in of a lost settlement. The King knew it was time to do something or face unrest as civilians found out the truth.
Thus, a small task force was selected; three individuals from the rookie group, known for their empathy, their talent with arms as well as scholarly talent. The selection process included one of each weapon discipline... a swordsman, a spearman, and an axe wielder. Each sought different paths. Training in the sword leads to the path of the Knight; a great defender. The Lancer, who trains with the spear, becomes a master of one on one combat and party support skills. Lastly, the Berserker, with his two handed axe, is efficient in mowing down groups of opponents and weakening them.
This task force first has to pass a test. Survival is not guaranteed, as the Phasala Prison of old times is riddled with danger. If they manage to complete the trial and come out in one piece, they will earn the privilege to take on The King's Order, with the privilege of meeting His Royal Majesty face to face.
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